In My Bushhouse July 2019
So this strange ‘winter’ continues. I just came in from my bushhouse where it has rained overnight and the forecast today is for...

In My Bushhouse June 2019
Well June has arrived and bar for the Victorian high country the weather is still mild. Here at home in May we enjoyed 20+ degree days...

In My Bushhouse May 2019
This month I have felt the temperature drop to 10 degrees overnight but the days are varying from 22-25 degrees. The Cymbidium...

In My Bush House - April 2019
Some years ago in the mid ‘80’s when I was really struck with native orchids after attending an ANOS show at Mona Vale hall and seeing...

In My Bush House - March 2019
Well we are into March now and passed the worst of the summer but watch out for those hot days that may occur. Make sure that you don’t...

In My Bush House - February 2019
Well January is finished and the hot and humid weather continues. I go out each evening between 5-7:00 pm and mist all the plants. Yes, I...

In My Bush House - January 2019
So here we are in 2019 and in my bush house all things are growing with new shoots coming on all plants. I have spent some time cleaning...

In My Bush House - December 2018
Well the weather is starting to warm up and we may have a summer yet. We shouldn’t be too ready to wish for hot weather as in QLD round...

In My Bush House October 2018
It’s a great time in the bush house at the moment after the rain, although it did tend to mark some flowers. This year we would all agree...

In My Bush House September 2018
While the current round of Spring Shows are done and dusted all is not finished in the bush house. There are still plants that have not...