About Us
The Australasian Native Orchid Society (ANOS) Sydney Group meet every third Friday of the month 8:00 pm at the Baulkham Hills Community Centre, Conie Ave (Off Seven Hills Rd).
At Sydney Group’s monthly meetings visitors are always welcome. Members display native orchids, a guest speaker is invited to talk on an orchid related topic, and there is often the opportunity to purchase native orchids from Australia's leading orchid breeders and hybridists.
Sydney Group also publishes a monthly newsletter The Orchidophile. The Orchidophile records results of members field trips, provides cultural notes and information of general interest on native orchids to beginners and experts alike, and is illustrated by wonderful photos of native orchids.
The ANOS Sydney Group promotes the conservation of native orchids through cultivation and through preservation of their natural habitat. We are also affiliated with the Australasian Native Orchid Society Inc. and we support its aims in promoting the understanding and appreciation of orchids growing naturally in our region of the world – Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the adjacent western Pacific.
Focusing on a number of areas including conservation, research, breeding of species and hybrids, culture, shows, displays and judging, photography, learning about the Australian flora and environment, and field excursions. (ANOS Inc. home page: http://anos.org.au/).
All correspondence to The Orchidophile should be addressed to the Editor (anossydney@gmail.com)
The opinions expressed by the contributors to the newsletter are not necessarily those held by the Editor, committee or ANOS Sydney Group.
Address for correspondence - 9 Alicia St, Glenwood, NSW, 2768.
Email contact - anossydney@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Australasian-Native-Orchid-Society-Sydney-Group/153609821363124
Disclaimer : All material contained in the newsletter remains the copyright of the author or photographer or artist. ANOS Sydney Group will not take responsibility for damage or loss as a result of actions arising from advice or views given within The Orchidophile.