In My Bushhouse May 2019
This month I have felt the temperature drop to 10 degrees overnight but the days are varying from 22-25 degrees. The Cymbidium canaliculatum pots hanging on my clothesline are looking good and when I feel the black pots they are very warm to the touch and there is still root activity and while they are like this I will continue to water and fertilize albeit once a week.
It must be good conditions and last Sunday we had a huge dump of rain on the plants and me while I was fertilizing. So I discontinued and on Tuesday I finished. I have used Seasol® on the plants as well and will do that 1st week of each month continued until flowering.
Inside the bushhouse the roots on all my Dockrillia plants are seeking out water and a foothold. The growths of these are amazing and it’s interesting to see the different appearance and colour of these. Keep the bugs away and water/fertilize while they are growing.
There are numerous plants that have new growths started; Den. speciosum, Den. tetragonum, Dockrillia calamiformis among them.
Currently it’s the little gems that are in flower (still) Bulbophyllum macphersonii, Cadetia taylori that seems to spot flower throughout the year. Another in flower again is Dockrillia cucumerina which will spot flower 2 to 3 times and Dendrobium prenticei is in flower for the second time.

With all the new growths coming there are a few thoughts:
Continue back on the fertilizer after the rain as you need to push those growth to the maximum. With all the rain that prevented fertilizing as it was silly to water when we had centimeters each week and this is where the use of slow release fertilizer comes into its own.
With the rain and humid conditions two dangers exist; rots due to fungal infections (so you can use Eco fungicide), and it’s still warm and I have noticed some aphids persisting; so check the new growth and keep them strong. Remember you do not have to ‘dose’ the plant just the new growths.
Happy gardening.