How I Setup My HOZON Siphon Mixer
Before anything else, it’s best to do the test as they advise in the instructions regarding water pressure and proportion etc. for your situation (Although mine came out consistently 16:1).
I mix up about 6 litres of concentrate in a bucket and water until it’s gone … you start to hear air in the hose (no concentrate). You’ll know what I mean, when it goes from quietly at first doing its thing to bubbles in the water stream generating noise.
MY EXAMPLE: So 6 litres of concentrate watered at 16 to 1 = 6 x 16 = 96 litres of water (Geez ???). So do the sums for whatever you are using for 96 litres, and add the required fertilizer to your six litres of water. My "stuff" is one heaped teaspoon to 10 litres. So 96 divided by 10 = 9.6 heaped teaspoons then I halve it (the "little/often" theory) = 5 heaped teaspoons thereabouts. So 5 teaspoons (or less) into 6 litres of water, which becomes my concentrate. Confused? It’s easy once you get the hang of it.
Length of hose from the mixer to the nozzle and restrictions are very important due to pressure losses and back pressure. I use a watering wand which has virtually no restriction. Try to keep the length of the hose from the mixer to the wand around the 5 metres as recommended. One of our member's siphons wouldn’t work properly, until I suggested he shorten his (long) delivery hose. Now it works perfectly!
Because the tap I use is a long way from my shade house which I turn fully on (the tap), I run the garden hose to my mixer/concentrate bucket, which I position IN the shade house.
Then I use a 5m. hose from the mixer to the water wand. I also have an on/off valve on the water wand which I shut off when finished. The water which I leave running for a couple of minutes then back flushes the mixer, so there is no residue left in the mixer to crystallize and create dramas.
Also to prevent being drenched whilst setting up, I have an on/off valve on the inlet of the mixer so I can set it up ready to go. Then simply open the valve on the inlet of the mixer.
To stop any undissolved chunks of fertilizer being sucked into the mixer, and blocking things up, put a bit of stocking or something over the tapered spring at the end of the siphon hose.
One word of caution! … if you need to attend to other duties etc. whilst fertilizing. Don’t shut the water flow off at the wand, as the water will immediately flow down the siphon tube and dilute the concentrate. Turn the flow off at the valve on the INLET to the mixer.