2nd Annual Native Cymbidium Celebration 2018!
Please join us at our next meeting (8:00 PM). Our Guest Speaker is Steve Dunstan - “Cymbidium canaliculatum - a 10 year love affair”.
Steve is great speaker who is very passionate about and has an extensive knowledge of native Cymbidums and their culture. He is also an excellent and enthusiastic grower of native Cymbidiums.
Steve's talk will include a PowerPoint presentation on "Australian native Cymbidiums and their hybrids". Steve will also talk about his culture of native Cymbidums including tips he has learnt from some great growers of these species.
Steve has donated a plant of Cymbidium canaliculatum 'Graymere MMR' for the raffle (a top plant - see Steve's plant which won a Bill Murdock Silver Certificate last year (2017) at https://www.irabutlertrophy.org/BillMurdochTrophy2017.htm). He will also bring along some Cymbidium canaliculatums for sale.
Click on the links for:
Members and visitors are requested to bring any flowering native cymbidiums they have along to the night. Plants will be judged by an ANOS Panel. Total prize money is $280!