February 2018 Plant of the evening
Dendrobium (Dockrillia) Numbat
The plant of evening was a floriferous compact Dockrillia hybrid, Dendrobium Numbat. It had 10 inflorescences each with around 10 white flowers, nearly all open.
The hybrid was bred and registered by Darryl Smedley, an active ANOS Sydney member in the 90’s.
It is a primary hybrid between Dendrobium linguiforme and Dendrobium rigidum and its flowers clearly reflect its parentage. The tepals are white with size in between its parents. While still maintaining the spidery/starry shape of Dendrobium linguiforme, the flowers are more open and have better substance and therefore last longer, reflection of Dendrobium rigidum. Clearly the red markings of the labella were inherited from the latter. Flowering time of Dendrobium Numbat can range between February and August, in contrast to Dendrobium linguiforme which normally flowers between June and September.
A desirable feature of the hybrid is its floriferousness, an attribute derived from Dendrobium linguiforme. Another specimen of this same hybrid which was awarded an ACC (Award of Cultural Commendation) by ANOS in 2014 had over 30 inflorescences.
The plant grows on a gutter guard mesh mount. According to Graeme Russell, it is grown under 50% shade cloth with clear plastic covering and managed in the same way as his other Dockrillia plants. Graeme has been away for a month and found his Dendrobium Numbat in full bloom on his return. It is truly a dream orchid for everybody, one that can thrive and flower in the middle of Sydney summer, allow the owner to go on holidays and win the honour of “Plant of the Evening”.