Microtis orchids from Murringo
These plants were found at a friend’s property at Murringo, NSW on the south west slopes.
Whenever I go anywhere I look for orchids. I have seen them in the 'wild' in Western Australia (Perth, Albany and Wave Rock), the Blue Mountains, Taree, National Parks around Sydney, and Mt Canabolas.
I have been to this property several times at different times of the year and seen nothing. This time was late spring after they had had a very wet winter. At first I was disappointed but then found one and then realized once you saw one you saw hundreds. They were mixed in with Thysanotus tuberosa (fringe lily), a Drosera sp. (sundew), and what I think is an Utricularia sp. Although they were mostly around the creek, in large numbers, maybe up to 20 metres away, some were on top of a hill nowhere near water. They all appeared to be on open land exposed to all day sun.
I'm hoping when I go back I might find some different varieties of orchids.